Local Organizations

American Legion Post 91

PO Box 17 New Salem, ND 58563

Meetings are at the City Auditorium on the 2nd Sunday of September, October, November, March, April and May


For God and County, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the Great Wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to Posterity the principals of justice, freedom and democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.  

New Salem Historical Society

The New Salem Historical Society was organized in 1969 with the purpose of establishing a local museum to create interest in past history and preserve it for the future generations. The Society was chartered in 1971.  

Don Boehm  701-220-3151 or email Don at donboehmjr@gmail.com

Ron Egli  701-260-5227 or email Ron at egli@ndsupernet.com

Carrie Cofer  701-333-9428 or email Carrie at carriecofer@hotmail.com

LaDonna Olson  701-226-3008

Community Betterment Committee

The New Salem Community Betterment group was established in 2007 with the hopes of improving the community of New Salem. The committee meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm (city auditorium meeting room) and welcomes anyone to join us.  For more information contact Vicki Keuther.

Some of their completed projects include:

  • Planted trees and placed benches along the walking path  

  • State of the art sound system on Main Street.

  • Placed flower pots on Main Street & by the Post Office.

  • Placed garbage receptacles on Main Street.

  • Courtyard on West side of Auditorium with benches and beautiful fountain.

  • The New Salem Almont High school Court Yard Project

  • Banches placed thoughout the community                

New Salem Civic Club

President:  Shane Tellmann

The New Salem Civic Club was formed by a group of the former Jaycees in November of 1985. It all started with fourteen members meeting every third Thursday of the month. The first president and vice president were Don Kautzman and Curtis Rud.

The purpose of the New Salem Civic Club is community betterment. To this date the Civic Club has 13 members and offers donations to many community organizations, such as FFA and summer baseball league. The New Salem Civic Club continues to puts together the annual Cow-town Hoedown with each year offering an annual demolition derby.

To date, the New Salem Civic Club meets the second Sunday of each month in the New Salem Auditorium. New members are always welcome.

For information in becoming a member or interested in applying for community donations contact any of our current members or president and vice president.

New Salem Merchants Group

President: Bryan Moen

The New Salem Merchants Group is a collaboration of local business leaders with the purpose of fostering a healthy and thriving business community to serve the residents of New Salem.

New Salem Lions Club

President: Keith Olson

The New Salem Lions Club exists to enrich the lives of local residents through programs and initiatives designed to benefit youth and tourism. Our most notable projects garnered national recognition with the erection of the Salem Sue monument in 1974 to honor local dairymen and their significant impact on the local economy.

Red Trail Links

902 Ash Avenue New Salem, ND 58563

A beautifully maintained 9 hole golf course

Men's night - Wednesday's at 6:30

Don Kautzman  (701) 843-8721 or (701) 391-5034

Dan Olienyk (701) 843-7142 or (701) 220-0449

We currently do not take tee time reservations, just show up and enjoy a round or two. 

Annual memberships and cart rental is available!

New Salem Hunger Relief

Pastor Alyssa Fitzgerald

(414) 426-8195

514 Main Avenue New Salem, ND 58563

Founded in 2024, New Salem Hunger Relief works to meet the practical needs of local residents through the distribution of supplementary food supplies to those in need. Distributions are coordinated monthly from The Metropolitan Hotel on Main Avenue in New Salem. We are an Agency Partner of Great Plains Foodbank.

New Salem Children’s Baseball League

New Salem's Park Board in partner with the NS Civic Club have organized a summer baseball league for New Salem's children.  Boys and girls from 3-14.