Take a little time to turn off Interstate 94 at Exit 127 and visit New Salem!
Located just 30 miles West of North Dakota’s state capital, New Salem is a beautiful small town that has been a thriving community since 1883. New Salem is the home to family’s and retired couples alike because of its beauty and quiet nature.
In 1974, the New Salem Lions club erected a 38 feet high fiberglass Holstein cow to honor our local dairymen. “Salem Sue” has made New Salem a landmark and a stopping place for passing tourists.
New Salem also has an extensive collection of museums that celebrate the history of our colorful town. Take the time to spend a Sunday afternoon learning how our ancestors developed our community and what it was like to live in New Salem in the 1900’s.
New Salem has an excellent 9-hole golf course situated near the interstate for a quick round of golf on a beautiful day. New Salem has all the necessities to keep everyone, young and old, busy with six parks that include baseball fields, playground equipment, sand volleyball courts, camping facilities, shelters for picnicing and of course the pool.
The City also has a beautiful auditorium that houses city activities year round for local groups. Activates range the “Cow Town Hoe Down” to Santa Claus days in December. The City of New Salem has a wide range of business to accommodate residents and our visitors with a pharmacy, two restaurants, a hotel, three gas stations, two vehicles service stations and much much more. Our buildings downtown are full and booming with businesses and many exteriors are made up of the original masonry work to give you the feeling that you are driving in downtown New Salem in the early 1900’s.
New Salem’s education system, with the Holsteins as their mascot, is proud to have excellent academic, sports and music programs! With outstanding booster programs our school facilities are first class and give our students every opportunity to thrive.